Monday, January 25, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - The difference a day makes

We had the 'pleasure' if you will, of a snowy Saturday. Happily, although we live a mere 85 miles (137 km) north of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, we received a mere 10 in (20 cm) of snow, much less than they did. Happily :) The top view was Saturday afternoon, the bottom view Sunday Morning. The sunny morn nicely offset the snowy Saturday...See NC Sue for more WW!


  1. We got about 3 ft of snow. I'm so sore from shoveling. Great photo!

  2. wow..your snow melted much faster than ours did. :)
    Good photos...and thanks for coming by and letting me know you were there. Hello to glad to hear she had a good doctor report last time.

  3. Ugh.
    I'm ready for spring - we had to use 4WD to get into our driveway today!
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. Our winter has been void of snow. I would actually like to see one blanket of the white stuff before spring. Have a blessed day.
