Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday’s Hunt 2016-2.16

We welcome Friday, as it allows us the next installment of Teresa's fun meme, Friday Hunt  Now armed with our weekly clues, let's begin...

Starts with 'P'. I choose Pennsylvania, on the old US-22 at the WV-PA state line, the always lovely Patti at the Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile   in Paris.

Week's Favorite: Bomba's Farm in neighboring Seymour, with one pumpkin draped in pink in honor of Seymour Pink Day, highlighting breast cancer awareness this month. Seymour Pink has been a wonderful resource for us since Patti's five-year travel since her diagnosis and treatment...
Whole. How about a whole pizza made with parmesan, white beans and escarole at our favorite pizza place, Marco Pizzeria in neighboring Derby. Thanks again Teresa!


  1. ...and you ate the whole thing, Ralph.

  2. Pennsylvania is the place to be. We spent time going through, both ways and at Ghettysburg a whole day. You ate that whole pizza?!?!?!?!

  3. You have loads of Ps in your post! Pizza--good choice for whole. Yum!

  4. That's a creative pizza. I wouldn't have thought of putting beans on a pizza.

  5. I hope you didn't eat it all by your self. It looks rather large!

  6. That pizza looks really yummy! Nice touch of pink with the pumpkins. I'm glad Patti is doing well since her diagnosis. Love the image of her and the arch. Sorry I'm so late to get around visiting this week. I do appreciate your participation!
